Analysis of damped and fusion processes in theV197reaction atElab=447 MeV

Angular, energy, and Z distributions of projectile-like and fission fragments were measured for the reaction 197Au+51V at Elab=447 MeV. With increasing energy loss, the angular distribution evolves from a focused to an orbiting type, while the nearly Gaussian Z distributions broaden and drift to larger asymmetries. Extensive phenomenological analyses are presented for the angle-energy and charge-energy correlations. These data are compared in detail with results obtained from one-body transport model calculations. The effects of angular-momentum-dependent kinetic-energy fluctuations and of a reduced strength in the ‘‘wall friction’’ force are approximately taken into account. Good general agreement between data and model predictions is observed with friction forces of nominal strengths. The cross section for fusion-fissionlike events, somewhat overestimated by the reaction model, is in reasonable agreement with the systematics provided by the ‘‘extra push’’ model parametrization.