Room-Temperature Continuous Wave Operation of InGaN Laser Diodes with Vertical Conducting Structure on SiC Substrate

We demonstrated for the first time room-temperature continuous wave operation of InGaN laser diodes with a vertical conducting structure fabricated on a SiC substrate. The threshold current and voltage were 84 mA and 12 V, respectiely, under pulsed operation. The threshold current corresponds to a threshold current density of 5.6 kA/cm2, which is the lowest ever reported with InGaN laser diodes on a SiC substrate. Under continuous wave operation, the threshold current and voltage were 115 mA and 10.5 V, respectiely. The peak lasing wavelength was 408.2 nm. Longitudinal modes of the optical cavity were clearly obsered. The laser oscillation was obsered up to 40°C under CW operation.