Growth of GaInSb on Gd3Ga5O12 Substrate by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition

Metal-organic chemical vapor deposition of GaInSb on a Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) substrate is reported. (111)-Oriented GaInSb thin layers are grown on both (111) and (100)GGG substrates. The lattice constant of the grown layer is dependent on the growth temperature and the flow rate as a function of the mixed ratio of the gas-phase group III components, but is independent of V/III ratio and total carrier gas flow rate. The surface morphology has been improved by lowering growth temperature, reducing total flow rate through bubbling cylinders and increasing gas-phase group III components. We obtained a smooth surface of GaInSb at a growth temperature of 450°C with a reduced total flow rate and a V/III ratio of between 0.5 and 0.7.