A study has been made of factors effecting the postheparin plasma level of clearing factor lipase (CFL). A number of adsorbing agents and elution solutions were used to find optimal conditions for purification of CFL. Best results are obtained by adsorption on tricalcium phosphate and elution with 0.3% citrate. A study was made of CFL stability. Complete activity was lost in 7 days at 4 °C, in 24 hours at 27 °C, and in 6 hours at 37 °C. Four species were studied. There was significantly less CFL activity in postheparin plasma of rats fasted 48 hours than in that of fed rats. Whole body irradiation of rats (600 r) results in a decrease in CFL activity of postheparin plasma but this decrease is less than in pair-fed controls. Thus, relative to food intake, irradiated animals have a higher than normal CFL activity. A crude extract of shellac when injected intravenously greatly increased CFL activity of postheparin plasma in the rat. This extract did not alter CFL activity of plasma in the absence of heparin and postshellac plasma added to postheparin plasma in vitro does not increase the activity of the latter. The effect on postheparin CFL activity increases with time after the injection of shellac. The activity is highest between 2 and 4 hours after injection.

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