InGaAsN/GaAs heterostructures for long-wavelength light-emitting devices

We report on the growth and properties of InGaAsN/GaAs heterostructures and on their applications for lasers emitting at λ≈1.3 µm. Material growth was performed by molecular beam epitaxy using an RF plasma source. Broad area and ridge waveguide (RWG) laser structures based on such quantum wells (QWs) exhibit performances that can compete with those of 1.3 µm InGaAsP lasers. In particular, we have achieved 300 K operation of broad area lasers at 1.3 µm with threshold current densities down to 500 and 650 A cm-2 for 800 µm long, single and triple QW structures. Similar structures with heat-sinking at 10 °C yield a maximum CW output power of up to 8 W. RWG lasers have thresholds down to 11 mA and show CW operation up to 100 °C with a T0 of up to 110 K.