Novel Window-Structure AlGaInP Visible-Light Laser Diodes with Non-Absorbing Facets Fabricated by Utilizing GaInP Natural Superlattice Disordering

Window-structure AlGaInP visible-light ( λL=680 nm) laser diodes (LDs) have been fabricated, for the first time, by utilizing GaInP natural superlattice (NSL) disordering with selective Zn diffusion. The bandgap energy for the active layer near the mirror facets is increased by 70 meV by the NSL disordering. An 80 mW output power in a fundamental transverse-mode has been achieved for the uncoated window LDs under 1 µsec long pulsed operations. The maximum output power density for the window LDs is estimated to be 10 MW/cm2, which is five times higher than that for conventional LDs.