Rapid Thermal Processing: A Bibliography

This bibliography presents 342 references to work published on rapid thermal processing (RTP) from 1979 through mid-1985. A variety of broad-beam energy sources are represented, including: arc and quartz-halogen lamps, blackbody radiators, strip heaters, broadly rastered electron beams, and defocused CO2 lasers. Citations were obtained by both manual searching and searching of a commercially available computerized data base (I NSPEC). Entries are grouped under 13 topical headings: reviews, implanted dopant activation and diffusion in silicon, polycrystalline silicon, silicides and polycides, metals, dielectrics, compound semiconductors, defects and microstructure, device applications (silicon and compound semiconductors), miscellaneous applications, equipment, and modeling. Within each group, citations are arranged alphabetically by title. A full author index is provided.