A framework for dynamic energy efficiency and temperature management

While technology is delivering increasingly sophisticate d and powerful chip designs, it is also imposing alarmingly high en- ergy requirements on the chips. One way to address this prob- lem is to manage the energy dynamically. Unfortunately, cur- rent dynamic schemes for energy management are relatively limited. In addition, they manage energy either for energy efficiency or for temperature control, but not for both simul - taneously. In this paper, we design and evaluate for the first time an energy-management framework that tackles both energy effi- ciency and temperature control in a unified manner. We call this general approach Dynamic Energy Efficiency and Tem- perature Management (DEETM). Our framework combines many energy-management techniques and can activate them individually or in groups in a fine-grained manner according to a given policy. The goal of the framework is two-fold: maximize energy savings without extending application ex- ecution time beyond a given tolerable limit, and guarantee that the temperature remains below a given limit while mini- mizing any resulting slowdown. The framework successfully meets these goals. For example, it delivers a 40% energy re- duction with only a 10% application slowdown.

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