Cryogenic, X-band and Ka-band InP HEMT based LNAs for the Deep Space Network

Exploration of the Solar System with automated spacecraft that are more than ten astronomical units from Earth requires very large antennae employing extremely sensitive receivers. A key figure of merit in the specification of the spacecraft-to-earth telecommunications link is the ratio of the antenna gain to operational noise temperature (G/Top) of the system. The Deep Space Network (DSN) receivers are cryogenic, low-noise amplifiers (LNAs). InP HEMT LNA modules are demonstrating noise temperatures less than ten times the quantum noise limit (10 hf/k) from 1 to 100 GHz. To date, the lowest noise LNA modules developed for the DSN have demonstrated noise temperatures of under 4 K at 8.4 GHz and 11 K at 32 GHz. The development and demonstration of cryogenic, InP HEMT based front-end amplifiers for the DSN requires accurate component and module characterization, and modeling from 1 to 100 GHz at physical temperatures down to and below 12 K, because of the broad band frequency response of InP HEMTs. The characterization and modeling begins with the HEMT chip, proceeds to the multi-stage HEMT LNA module, and culminates with the complete front-end cryogenic receiver package for the antenna. This paper presents an overview of this development process with emphasis on comparison between modeled and measured results at 8.4 GHz. Results are shown for devices, LNA modules, front-end receiver packages employing these modules, and antennae employing these packages.

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