Effects of Substituting Xylose for Glucose in a Purified Diet for Pigs

Two experiments were conducted to compare xylose and glucose as sources of carbohydrate in the diets of young pigs. Experiment I consisted of a growth-performance study using 4 replications of pigs, which were hand fed three purified diets containing 37.4% of sugar, glucose, xylose, or a 50-50 mixture of the two. Experiment II included studies of nitrogen retention and sugar recovery as well as of growth-performance; data were obtained from 5 pairs of pigs, which were pair-fed comparative diets containing 56%, resspectively, of glucose or of xylose. Growth-performance and balance studies indicated that pigs were able to utilize glucose to a greater degree than xylose. Cataract formation resulted after feeding a diet containing xylose at the level of 56% of the dry matter. Voluntary activity was decreased, and the color of the hair coat was altered from deep red to yellowish-red in pigs fed xylose. Copyright © . .