Kr+ laser-induced chemical vapor deposition of W

Kr+ laser‐induced pyrolytic direct writing of W stripes by H2 reduction of WF6 has been investigated. The reproducibility of the process and the morphology and electrical properties of deposits depend heavily on the partial pressures of both WF6 and H2; the best results have been obtained with p(WF6)=5 mbar and 100 mbar≤p(H2)≤800 mbar. For a laser focus of 2w0=7 μm and laser powers between 30 and 200 mW, the widths of stripes varied between 1.5 and 15 μm with corresponding thicknesses between 0.1 to 3 μm. The width of stripes is independent of the scanning speed within the range 20 μm/s≤Vs ≤400 μm/s. The electrical resistivities of these stripes were about a factor of 1.3–2.3 larger than the bulk value.