Hyperpolarizabilities ofH, He, andLi+

The Ritz variational approximation is used to calculate the energy of the ground state of He, Li+, and H in the presence of a uniform external electric field. The interaction energies are expressed as power series in the electric-field intensity. From the coefficients of these expansions, the polarizabilities α and the hyperpolarizabilities γ are obtained. In this study the hyperpolarizabilities are computed with Hylleraas-type wave functions consisting of 78, 96, 102, and 150 terms. The convergence of α and γ are satisfactory for He and Li+, but not for H. For H it is suggested that in order to obtain proper convergence one would need to include more terms in the wave function than would be tractable for our computer. Thus, a different type of function should be used for this ion. The 150-term wave functions gave 169, 1.383, and 0.1925 atomic units (a.u.) for the polarizabilities of H, He, and Li+, respectively. This 150-term function also gave 1.74 × 107, 42.8, and 0.244 a.u. for the hyperpolarizabilities of these same atoms. It is suggested from a study of the convergence of α and γ as more terms are included in the wave function, of the accuracy of the computed α's, and of the free atom energies that the computed γ results are correct to within a few percent or better for He and Li+, but that the γ computed for H is unreliable. The only available measurement of γ, for these ions, gave 51.6±7.9 a.u. for the helium atom.

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