Variations of resonant tunneling properties with temperature in strained Si1−xGex/Si double-barrier structures

We have investigated the resonant tunneling feature variations with temperature in molecular beam epitaxy grown strained Si0.78Ge0.22/Si double‐barrier structures with different well width w and spacer thickness LS. Both w and LS have strong effects on the temperature characteristics of the peak current JP, the valley current JV, and the current peak‐to‐valley ratio (PVR). When w is reduced, both JP and JV are greatly increased. The resonant tunneling devices (RTDs) also have better temperature stability and PVR decreases slower. The RTD with larger LS has higher peak current. Beside w and LS, the quasi‐Fermi level position has a very important influence on the resonant tunneling feature variations, which is stressed in the present work.