Fault simulation of unconventional faults in CMOS circuits

The authors present a novel technique to study the detection of non-stuck-at faults in CMOS circuits. Gate-level models of CMOS faults not yet adequately covered in the literature are developed. Suitable models for transistor stuck-open and stuck-on, gate-drain shorts, and bridgings are implemented in a fault simulator. Results obtained with typical circuits are presented and discussed to analyze the influence of circuit architecture and type of test vector (deterministic or pseudorandom) on the coverage of non-stuck-at faults. The following general conclusions are drawn from these results: (1) shorts between transistor gate and drain are adequately detected by stuck-at oriented test patterns, and, hence, they do not represent a significant problem in IC testing: (2) the coverage of transistors stuck-open is significantly dependent on the test pattern generation method used; (3) the detectability of bridgings depends strongly on the circuit topology; and (4) the indirect coverage of transistors stuck-on is inadequate, essentially because a large number of them are undetectable

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