Surface Processes in the Growth of Silicon on (111) Silicon in Ultrahigh Vacuum

A replication technique for electron microscopy has been developed which is capable of detecting 3 Å steps on surfaces. This technique was used to observe the growth of silicon on a (111) silicon surface in ultrahigh vacuum. On a substrate surface that is ``clean'' by current standards of silicon surface study, three‐dimensional growth centers developed. However, on a cleaner surface consisting of a continuous layer of freshly deposited silicon, growth proceeded by a step‐motion mechanism. By the use of a simple model to calculate the critical supersaturation ratio and the equilibrium adatom concentration, and from the observed absence of nucleation on atomically flat terraces between steps, a surface self‐diffusion coefficient of 10−3 cm3/sec at 800°C was estimated. Straight steps which propagate in the 〈1̄1̄2〉 direction were observed, in contradiction of the simple bond model of step edges which predicts straight steps that propagate in the〈112̄〉 direction. Step arrays and step separation were observed and interpreted by the recent theory of adatom capture at steps by Schwoebel and Shipsey.