Effects of Backside Oxidation on the Size of Oxidation Induced Stacking Faults at the Front Surface of FZ Si Wafers

The effect of backside oxidation on the size of Oxidation induced Stacking Faults (OSF) at the front side of FZ Si wafers has been investigated by Backside Selective Oxidation (BSO). The results show that shrinkage of OSF under directly formed Si3N4 film is interrupted by BSO. However, shrinkage under double-layered SiO2–Si3N4 film is not affected. These results are consistent with the effects of BSO on diffusion of B, P and Sb. The behavior of the OSF's can be explained by the supposition that the Si–SiO2 interface has the effect of preserving the point defect concentration constant and the Si–Si3N4 interface has no such effect.