CMOS-Compatible All-Si High-Speed Waveguide Photodiodes With High Responsivity in Near-Infrared Communication Band

Submicrometer silicon photodiode waveguides, fabricated on silicon-on-insulator substrates, have photoresponse from -1 at 1550 nm) and a 3-dB bandwidth of 10 to 20 GHz. The p-i-n photodiode waveguide consists of an intrinsic waveguide 500times250 nm where the optical mode is confined and two thin, 50-nm-thick, doped Si wings that extend 5 mum out from either side of the waveguide. The Si wings, which are doped one p-type and the other n-type, make electric contact to the waveguide with minimal effect on the optical mode. The edges of the wings are metalized to increase electrical conductivity. Ion implantation of Si+ 1times10 13 cm-2 at 190 keV into the waveguide increases the optical absorption from 2-3 dBmiddotcm-1 to 200-100 dBmiddotcm-1 and causes the generation of a photocurrent when the waveguide is illuminated with subbandgap radiation. The diodes are not damaged by annealing to 450 degC for 15 s or 300 degC for 15 min. The photoresponse and thermal stability is believed due to an oxygen stabilized divacancy complex formed during ion implantation