Dependence of Hooge Parameter of Compound Semiconductors on Temperature

Voltage noise spectrum densities of quarter-micron filaments made by GaAs, InP and heterostructures are measured in detail as a function of decreasing temperature to 10 K, and the Hooge noise parameter αH of each device is precisely determined at each temperature. Focused ion beam (FIB) implanted n-GaAs has the smallest αH of 1.0×10-8 at 60 K, decreasing from 2×10-6 at room temperature. The derived value of αH is the smallest one ever reported for compound semiconductor devices, and compares favorably with that expected from quantum 1/f noise theory. FIB-implanted n-InP has the smallest αH of about 1×10-7 at 50 K. The αH of a molecular beam epitaxially (MBE) grown In0.8Ga0.2As heterostructure depends on µpo between 1 to 10 m2/V·s, realizing 1/f noise in the cross section of optical phonon scattering.