The microelectronics industry owes its considerable success largely to the existence of the thermal oxide of silicon. However, recently there is concern that the reliability of ultra-thin dielectrics will limit further scaling to slightly thinner than 2 mm. This paper will review the physics and statistics of dielectric wearout and breakdown in ultrathin SiO/sub 2/-based gate dielectrics. Electrons or holes tunneling through the gate oxide generate defects until a critical density is reached and the oxide breaks down. The critical defect density is explained by the formation of a percolation path of defects across the oxide. Only 1 year) stress experiments are now being used to measure the wearout and breakdown of ultrathin (<2 nm) dielectric films as close as possible to operating conditions. These measurements have revealed the details of the voltage dependence of the defect generation rate and critical defect density, allowing better modeling of the voltage dependence of the time-to-breakdown, Such measurements are used to guide the technology development prior to the manufacturing stage. We then discuss the nature of the electrical conduction through a breakdown spot and the effect of the oxide breakdown on device and circuit performance. In some cases, an oxide breakdown does not lead to immediate circuit failure, so more research is needed in order to develop a quantitative methodology for predicting the reliability of circuits.