Electronic structure of (InAs)m(GaAs)m(m=1–7) strained superlattices

The electronic structure of (InAs)m(GaAs)m (m=1–7) strained superlattices is studied with use of the self-consistent pseudopotential method. The atom positions are determined by using the valence-force-field approach. The calculated band gaps are in good agreement with the experimental results. The weak dependence of the band gaps on layer thickness is due to the s-like character of the Γc state. The conduction electron extends over the superlattice. In contrast, the hole distribution tends to be localized in the InAs regions. From the investigation of the self-consistent potential and charge-density distribution, it is found that the lattice-mismatch effect relaxes over a few atom layers near the interface. The charge is transferred from the GaAs region to the InAs region. This transferred charge is stored at the interface.