Generation of anti-structure defects by rapid quenching of semi-insulating GaAs

The transformation of EL2 defects and the generation of intrinsic defects by rapid quenching was investigated for different annealing temperatures prior to the quenching process. Quenching from high temperatures destroys EL2 in the mid-gap charge state (EL20), while quenching from lower temperatures generates intrinsic acceptors and transforms EL20 to EL2+. By optical detection of electron spin resonance three intrinsic acceptors and a new As-antisite-related defect with similar properties to those of EL2 are detected. The As-antisite-related defect is measured only after annealing at 1200 degrees C for a short time and is characterized by a zero-phonon line at 1.16 eV with phonon replica similar to those of EL2 in its neutral charge state. This defect cannot be identical with the isolated As-antisite defect.