Polymer time constants during low temperature nanoimprint lithography

We investigate low temperature nanoimprint into polymers, where adequate pressure choice helps to increase the imprint velocity of larger patterns und thus decreases pattern size effects by reduction of the effective viscosity. In order to make use of shear rate effects, the imprint has to be performed within the viscoelastic plateau region and not in the viscous flow regime of the polymer. Therefore elastic effects play an important role and may lead to shape recovery of the polymer after imprint. We address the counter play of elastic effects and viscous flow by conducting experiments very near to the glass transition temperature. The elastic behavior at the beginning of the imprint is simulated for different pattern sizes and thus different aspect ratios of the stamp. The investigations show, that a reduction of temperature has to be compensated by an increased imprint time and this time increase has to consider the reduction of viscosity on the one hand and the extension of the polymer flow time constants on the other hand. The experiments are suitable to define a lower limit for utilization of shear thinning effects.

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