A high-speed 64K CMOS RAM with bipolar sense amplifiers

A TTL-compatible 64K static RAM with CMOS-bipolar circuitry has been developed using a 1.2-/spl mu/m MoSi gate n-well CMOS-bipolar technology. Address access time is typically 28 ns, with 225 mW active power and 100 nW standby power. A CMOS six-transistor memory cell is used. The cell size is 18/spl times/20 /spl mu/m, and the chip size is 5.95/spl times/6.84 mm. The n-p-n transistors are used in the sense amplifiers, voltage regulators, and level clamping circuits. The bipolar sense amplifiers reduce the detectable bit line swing, thus improving the worst-case bit line delay time and the sensing delay time. In order to reduce the word line delay, the MoSi layer, which has 5 /spl Omega//sheet resistivity, was used for the gate material. The n-well CMOS process is based on a scaled CMOS process, and collector-isolated n-p-n transistors and CMOS are integrated simultaneously without adding any extra process steps and without causing any degradation of CMOS characteristics. The n-p-n transistor has a 2-GHz cutoff frequency at 1 mA collector current.

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